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Licensed Technicians
Fully Insured
Certified Red Seal Carpenter
Locally Owned & Operated
Results 100% Guaranteed
Free Estimates
Unmarked vehicles
Wipe Out Pest Control Ltd
Campbell River
Port Hardy
Port McNeill
Quadra Island
Cortes Island
Galiano Island
Smaller Islands
Rural areas
Available 7 days a week
Big or small, we get 'em all!
When you have a pest control problem you need it solved right now! Wipe Out Pest Control Ltd is here to help. We are available 7 days a week to answer your calls and find a solution to your pest problem. We offer the best quality pest control and customer service, at an affordable price.
We do more than just pest control. Our technicians will inspect your property to help find the root of the problem! Wipe Out Pest Control Ltd technicians will help provide you with suggestions on future prevention measures for all types of pests. We can pin point areas of concern, such as cracks and holes, as well as trees and bushes that can allow pest entry.
At Wipe Out Pest Control Ltd we try to find the best balance between your pest problems and your budget. We provide both residential and commercial services.
Give us a call and we will customize a pest control program that will suit your needs. You can have a program based on one specific pest or multiple pests. We offer one-time services, multi-service bundles and a home protection plan to protect you all year long.
Why Choose Us:
Quick response to your needs
We take the time and listen to you
Expert service and friendly technicians
Insured and government licensed
Unmarked vehicles for your privacy
Available 7 days a week
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Service areas:
Campbell River
Port Hardy
Port McNeill
Rural Areas
Campbell River Pest Control
Pest Control Campbell River
Exterminator Campbell River
Campbell River Exterminator
Pest Control Quadra Island
Pest Control Cortes Island
Number one pest control Campbell River
Vancouver Island Pest Control
Rat Control Campbell River
Rodent control Campbell River
Ant problem Campbell River
Rat problem campbell river
rodents campbell river
Campbell River Ants
Pest Control Ants
Pest Control rats
Pest Control Sayward
Exterminator Vancouver Island
Quadra Island
Cortes Island
Galiano Island
Smaller Islands
Wipe Out Pest Control - Campbell River Pest Control